name: title class: top hide-count center layout: true <!-- Title Slide --> .talk-title[ # R Markdown ] <div class="talk-band left"> <div class="talk-author f-zilla">Garrick Aden-Buie</div> <div class="talk-twitter code">@grrrck</div> </div> <div class="talk-band right"> <div class="code">Toronto Data Workshop</div> <div class="code">2021-02-11</div> </div> --- --- ## .pink.f-pompiere.absolute.w-100.left-0.animated.bounceInUp[R's Secret Ingredient] --- ## .pink.f-pompiere.absolute.w-100.left-0.animated.bounceOutUp.faster[R's Secret Ingredient] ## .pink.f-pompiere.absolute.w-100.left-0.animated.bounceInUp[R's Special Sauce] --- ## .pink.f-pompiere.absolute.w-100.left-0.animated.bounceOutUp.faster[R's Special Sauce] ## .pink.f-pompiere.absolute.w-100.left-0.animated.bounceInUp[An Incomplete History] --- ## .pink.f-pompiere.absolute.w-100.left-0.animated.bounceOutUp.faster[An Incomplete History] ## .pink.f-pompiere.absolute.w-100.left-0.animated.bounceInUp[Stuff I'm Working On and Want To Show Off] --- layout: false # About Me .f2[ 👋 Hi, I'm **Garrick Aden-Buie** ] -- .f2[ 🐦 [@grrrck]( ] -- .f2[ 🧑‍💻 []( ] -- .f2[ ®️ [RStudio]( [.code[gradethis]](, [.code[learnr]]( ] --- background-image: url('') background-size: cover background-position: center center background-repeat: no-repeat layout: false class: right top # What is R Markdown? (wrong answers only) .can-edit.f-pen.f2[ one two ] --- class: pv0 ph3 middle <div class="f1 lh-title f-zilla"> .b[Break Free From Plastic] engaged 14,734 volunteers in 55 countries to conduct 575 brand audits. These volunteers collected 346,494 pieces of plastic waste. </div> --- class: pv0 ph3 middle <div class="f1 lh-title f-zilla"> .b[Break Free From Plastic] engaged .hl[14,734] volunteers in .hl[55] countries to conduct .hl[575] brand audits. These volunteers collected .hl[346,494] pieces of plastic waste. </div> --- class: bg-gray middle hide-count .f1.f-zilla.white[ A brief history of<br/> .code.f2[rmarkdown] ] --- class: fullscreen hide-count <div class="fl w-30 h-100 animated slideInLeft" style="background-image: url(assets/img/80s-phone.jpg);background-size: cover;background-position: center right;"> </div> --- class: fullscreen hide-count <div class="fl w-30 h-100" style="background-image: url(assets/img/80s-phone.jpg);background-size: cover;background-position: center right;"> </div> <div class="fl w-70 h-100 bl bw3 b--white animated slideInRight" style="background-image: url(assets/img/iphone-kitchen-stand.jpg);background-size: cover;background-position: center center;"> </div> --- class: bg-gray middle hide-count .f1.f-zilla.white[ A brief history of<br/> _literate programming_ ] --- layout: true <img src="assets/img/knuth.jpg" class="absolute bottom-0 right-1 knuth" height=300> .side-foot-note[Donald Knuth] .footnote[[Literate Programming](] --- .f-typewriter.f3.lh-title[ Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: __Instead of__ imagining that our main task is to __instruct a computer what to do__, let us concentrate rather on __explaining to human beings__ what we want a computer to do. ] --- .f-typewriter.f3.lh-title[ I was coerced like everybody else into adopting the ideas of structured programming, because I couldn’t bear to be found guilty of writing **unstructured programs**. Now I have a chance to get even ... surely nobody wants to admit writing an **illiterate program**. ] --- .f-typewriter.f3.lh-title[ This language and its associated programs have come to be known as **the WEB system**. I chose the name **WEB** partly because it was one of the few three-letter words of English that hadn’t already been applied to computers. ] --- class: middle faded-knuth <img src="assets/img/web-figure-one.png" style:"z-index: 100"> .footnote[[Literate Programming](] ??? A WEB user writes a program that serves as the source language for two different system routines. (See Figure 1.) One line of processing is called weaving the web; it produces a document that describes the program clearly and that facilitates program maintenance. The other line of processing is called tangling the web; it produces a machine-executable program. The program and its documentation are both generated from the same source, so they are consistent with each other. --- class: faded-knuth .f-typewriter.f3[ The result of the program will be to produce a list of the first thousand prime numbers... ] .f-typewriter.f4[ 〈Program to print the first thousand prime numbers 2〉≡ .b[program] .i[print_primes] (.i[output]); .b[const] *m* = 1000; 〈Other constants of the program 5〉 .b[var]〈Variables of the program 4〉 .b[begin]〈Print the first *m* prime numbers 3〉; .b[end]. ] --- class: faded-knuth .f-typewriter.f3[ We shall proceed to fill out the rest of the program by making whatever decisions seem easiest at each step. So let's come up with a list of prime numbers. ] .f-typewriter.f4[ 〈Print the first .i[m] prime numbers 3〉≡ 〈Fill table .i[p] with the first .i[m] prime numbers 11〉 〈Print table .i[p] 8〉 ] --- class: faded-knuth .f-typewriter.f3[ Now that the appropriate auxiliary variables have been introduced, the process of outputting table .i[p] almost writes itself. ] .f-typewriter.f4[ 〈Print table .i[p] 8〉≡ .b[begin] .i[page_number] <- 1; .i[page_offset] = 1; .b[while] .i[page_offset] ≤ .i[m] .b[do] .b[begin]〈Output a page of answers 9〉; .i[page_number] <- .i[page_number] + 1; .i[page_offset] <- .i[page_offset] + rr * cc; .b[end]; .b[end]; ] --- layout: false <div class="fl w-50 h-100 ba bw3 b--white animated slideInLeft" style="background-image: url(assets/img/code-comments-1.png);background-size: contain;background-position: center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;"> </div> <div class="fl w-50 h-100 ba bw3 b--white animated slideInRight" style="background-image: url(assets/img/code-comments-2.png);background-size: contain;background-position: center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;"> </div> --- class: bg-gray middle hide-count .f1.f-zilla.white[ A brief history of<br/> _literate programming_<br/> in R ] --- layout: true class: no-margins # sweave --- background-image: url(assets/img/rotary-phone.jpg) background-size: cover background-position: center center --- ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amscd} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \title{An Sweave Demo} \author{Charles J. Geyer} \maketitle % .... ``` --- .overflow-hidden.relative[ .animated.slideOutUp.absolute[ ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amscd} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \title{An Sweave Demo} \author{Charles J. Geyer} \maketitle % .... ``` ] .animated.slideInUp[ ``` This is a demo for using the \verb@Sweave@ command in R. To get started make a regular \LaTeX\ file (like this one) but give it the suffix \verb@.Rnw@ instead of \verb@.tex@ and then turn it into a \LaTeX\ file (\verb@foo.tex@) with the (unix) command \begin{verbatim} R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw \end{verbatim} Well, we can now include R in our document. Here's a simple example <<two>>= 2 + 2 @ ``` ] ] --- .overflow-hidden.relative[ .animated.slideOutUp.absolute[ ``` This is a demo for using the \verb@Sweave@ command in R. To get started make a regular \LaTeX\ file (like this one) but give it the suffix \verb@.Rnw@ instead of \verb@.tex@ and then turn it into a \LaTeX\ file (\verb@foo.tex@) with the (unix) command \begin{verbatim} R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw \end{verbatim} Well, we can now include R in our document. Here's a simple example <<two>>= 2 + 2 @ ``` ] .animated.slideInUp[ ```latex Figure~\ref{fig:one} (p.~\pageref{fig:one}) is produced by the following code <<label=fig1plot,include=FALSE>>= plot(x, y) abline(out1) @ \begin{figure} \begin{center} <<label=fig1,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= <<fig1plot>> @ \end{center} \caption{Scatter Plot with Regression Line} \label{fig:one} \end{figure} Note that \verb@x@, \verb@y@, and \verb@out1@ are remembered from the preceding code chunk. We don't have to regenerate them. All code chunks are part of one R ``session''. ``` ] ] --- ```latex Figure~\ref{fig:one} (p.~\pageref{fig:one}) is produced by the following code *<<label=fig1plot,include=FALSE>>= *plot(x, y) *abline(out1) *@ \begin{figure} \begin{center} *<<label=fig1,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= *<<fig1plot>> *@ \end{center} \caption{Scatter Plot with Regression Line} \label{fig:one} \end{figure} Note that \verb@x@, \verb@y@, and \verb@out1@ are remembered from the preceding code chunk. We don't have to regenerate them. All code chunks are part of one R ``session''. ``` -- <img src="assets/img/sweave-r-output.png" class="animated rollIn sweave"> --- ```latex Figure~\ref{fig:one} (p.~\pageref{fig:one}) is produced by the following code *<<label=fig1plot,include=FALSE>>= plot(x, y) abline(out1) *@ \begin{figure} \begin{center} *<<label=fig1,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= <<fig1plot>> *@ \end{center} \caption{Scatter Plot with Regression Line} \label{fig:one} \end{figure} Note that \verb@x@, \verb@y@, and \verb@out1@ are remembered from the preceding code chunk. We don't have to regenerate them. All code chunks are part of one R ``session''. ``` --- ```latex Figure~\ref{fig:one} (p.~\pageref{fig:one}) is produced by the following code *<<label=fig1plot,include=FALSE>>= plot(x, y) abline(out1) @ \begin{figure} \begin{center} <<label=fig1,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= *<<fig1plot>> @ \end{center} \caption{Scatter Plot with Regression Line} \label{fig:one} \end{figure} Note that \verb@x@, \verb@y@, and \verb@out1@ are remembered from the preceding code chunk. We don't have to regenerate them. All code chunks are part of one R ``session''. ``` -- <img src="assets/img/sweave-figure-1.png" class="animated rollIn sweave" height=500> --- layout: true # knitr --- --- <div class="fr w-75 h-100 bl bw3 b--white animated slideInRight absolute right-2 top-2" style="background-image: url(assets/img/zach-morris-phone.jpg);background-size: contain;background-position: center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;"> </div> --- [Yihui Xie - Interview by DataScience.LA at useR 2014][yihui-knitr-interview] <div class="fr w-75 bl bw3 b--white animated slideInLeft absolute left-0" style="height:65%;background-image: url(assets/img/yihui-knitr-interview.jpg);background-size: contain;background-position: center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;"> </div> --- .f3[ 1. Write in [markdown]( 1. Cleaner chunk and inline R code syntax 1. Easy figures 1. Still literate ] --- ````markdown Let's write another program that computes prime numbers, called `prime_numbers()`. ``` prime_numbers <- function(m = 1) { <<prime-numbers>> } ``` ```` -- Let's write another program that computes prime numbers, called `prime_numbers()`. ``` prime_numbers <- function(m = 1) { <<prime-numbers>> } ``` --- ````markdown Well, we can now include R in our document. Here's a simple example. ```{r two} 2 + 2 ``` ```` -- .mt5[ Well, we can now include R in our document. Here's a simple example. ```r 2 + 2 ``` ``` ## [1] 4 ``` ] --- name: figure1 ````markdown Figure 1 is produced by the following code ```{r fig1plot, fig.width = 4, fig.height = 4} n <- 50 x <- seq(1, n) y <- 3 + (1.5 * x) + (17.3 * rnorm(n)) fit <- lm(y ~ x) plot(x, y) par(mar = rep(0, 4)) abline(fit) ``` ```` <img src="index_files/figure-html/fig1plot-1.png" width="100%" /> --- ````markdown For one point, `x` is `r x[10]`, `y` is `r y[10]` and we predict `y` will be `r predict(fit, list(x = 10))`. ```` -- For one point, `x` is 10, `y` is 26.5050704 and we predict `y` will be 18.6470099. --- layout: true # knitr with pandoc --- --- <div class="fr w-40 h-100 bl bw3 b--white animated slideInUp absolute right-2 top-2" style="background-image: url(assets/img/nokia-ad.jpg);background-size: contain;background-position: center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;"> </div> --- <div class="fr w-50 bl bw3 b--white animated slideInUp absolute left-2 bottom-1 overflow-scroll" style="height:75%"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="fr w-40 h-100 bl bw3 b--white absolute right-2 top-2" style="background-image: url(assets/img/nokia-ad.jpg);background-size: contain;background-position: center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;"> </div> --- <div class="shadow-6"> <div class="code-window-title-bar ph2 mb0 pv1 mt5 small bg-black-05 black-80 center relative"> Terminal <div class="code-window-circles"> <span class="code-window-circle bg-red br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-yellow br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-green br-100 dib"></span> </div> </div> <pre class="mt0 pa3 bg-black white">.code.white[pandoc -o report.pdf]</pre> </div> --- <div class="shadow-6"> <div class="code-window-title-bar ph2 mb0 pv1 mt5 small bg-black-05 black-80 center relative"> Terminal <div class="code-window-circles"> <span class="code-window-circle bg-red br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-yellow br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-green br-100 dib"></span> </div> </div> <pre class="mt0 pa3 bg-black white">.code.white[pandoc -o report..yellow.animated.heartBeat.dib[docx]]</pre> </div> --- <div class="shadow-6"> <div class="code-window-title-bar ph2 mb0 pv1 mt5 small bg-black-05 black-80 center relative"> Terminal <div class="code-window-circles"> <span class="code-window-circle bg-red br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-yellow br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-green br-100 dib"></span> </div> </div> <pre class="mt0 pa3 bg-black white">.code.white[pandoc -o report..yellow.animated.heartBeat.dib[pptx]]</pre> </div> --- <div class="shadow-6"> <div class="code-window-title-bar ph2 mb0 pv1 mt5 small bg-black-05 black-80 center relative"> Terminal <div class="code-window-circles"> <span class="code-window-circle bg-red br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-yellow br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-green br-100 dib"></span> </div> </div> <pre class="mt0 pa3 bg-black white">.code.white[pandoc -o report..yellow.animated.heartBeat.dib[epub]]</pre> </div> --- <div class="shadow-6"> <div class="code-window-title-bar ph2 mb0 pv1 mt5 small bg-black-05 black-80 center relative"> Terminal <div class="code-window-circles"> <span class="code-window-circle bg-red br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-yellow br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-green br-100 dib"></span> </div> </div> <pre class="mt0 pa3 bg-black white">.code.white[pandoc -o report..yellow.animated.heartBeat.dib[html]]</pre> </div> --- <div class="shadow-6"> <div class="code-window-title-bar ph2 mb0 pv1 mt5 small bg-black-05 black-80 center relative"> Terminal <div class="code-window-circles"> <span class="code-window-circle bg-red br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-yellow br-100 dib"></span><span class="code-window-circle bg-green br-100 dib"></span> </div> </div> <div class="mt0 pa3 bg-black white">.code.white[pandoc -o report.html .yellow[--no-highlight \<br> --css assets/css/title-slide.css \<br> --css assets/css/toronto-data-workshop.css \<br> --section-divs --standalone --variable math=true]]</div> </div> --- layout: true # R Markdown --- <div class="overflow-hidden h-100 absolute left-2 top-2 rmarkdown-workflow" style="width: 15%"><div> --- <div class="overflow-hidden h-100 absolute left-2 top-2 rmarkdown-workflow" style="width: 45%"><div> --- <div class="overflow-hidden h-100 absolute left-2 top-2 rmarkdown-workflow w-100" ><div> --- ![](assets/img/iphone-original.jpg) --- ![](assets/img/iphone-original-2.jpg) --- layout: false class: apple-gradient hide-count middle .flex[ .w-40.ph4.flex.items-center.justify-center.animated.slideInLeft[ ![](assets/img/rmarkdown.png) ] .w-60.white.f3.pl5.lh-extra.flex.items-center.justify-center.animated.flipInY.delay-1s[ PDF Reports Word Documents PowerPoint Presentations Interactive Dashboards Books Websites ] ] --- layout: false class: apple-gradient hide-count middle .flex[ .w-40.ph4.flex.items-center.justify-center[ ![](assets/img/rmarkdown.png) ] .w-60.white.f3.pl5.lh-extra.flex.items-center.justify-center.animated.flipInY[ Slides Like These! ] ] --- class: hide-count middle # rmarkdown []([ ![](assets/img/rmarkdown-webpage.png) ] --- class: inverse middle # epoxy --- layout: false ## knitr documents can write themselves ````markdown ```{r} years <- c(2019, 2020) grand_total <- c(858462, 346494) ``` ```{r plastics} items <- paste( "\n- In", years, "we collected", grand_total, "pieces of plastic." ) items ``` ```` -- ``` ## [1] "\n- In 2019 we collected 858462 pieces of plastic." ## [2] "\n- In 2020 we collected 346494 pieces of plastic." ``` --- layout: true ## knitr documents can write themselves ````markdown ```{r} years <- c(2019, 2020) grand_total <- c(858462, 346494) ``` ```{r plastics, results = "asis"} items <- paste( "\n- In", years, "we collected", grand_total, "pieces of plastic." ) cat(items) ``` ```` --- --- ````markdown - In 2019 we collected 858462 pieces of plastic. - In 2020 we collected 346494 pieces of plastic. ```` --- - In 2019 we collected 858462 pieces of plastic. - In 2020 we collected 346494 pieces of plastic. --- layout: true # Meet glue --- ```r paste( "\n- In", years, "we collected", grand_total, "pieces of plastic." ) ``` ``` ## [1] "\n- In 2019 we collected 858462 pieces of plastic." ## [2] "\n- In 2020 we collected 346494 pieces of plastic." ``` -- .mv4[ *** ] ```r library(glue) glue("\n- In {years} we collected {grand_total} pieces of plastic.") ``` ``` ## - In 2019 we collected 858462 pieces of plastic. ## - In 2020 we collected 346494 pieces of plastic. ``` --- layout: true # epoxy, like superglue --- 👉 [gadenbuie/epoxy][epoxy] -- -- ```r library(epoxy) ``` --- ```r glue("\n- In {years} we collected {grand_total} pieces of plastic.") ``` ``` ## - In 2019 we collected 858462 pieces of plastic. ## - In 2020 we collected 346494 pieces of plastic. ``` --- ````markdown ```{epoxy} - In {years} we collected {grand_total} pieces of plastic. ``` ```` - In 2019 we collected 858462 pieces of plastic. - In 2020 we collected 346494 pieces of plastic. --- [#tidytuesday](# [Break Free From Plastics]( ```r library(dplyr) # plastics <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2021, week = 5)$plastics plastics <- readr::read_csv(here::here("data", "plastics.csv")) plastics_grand_summary <- plastics %>% group_by(country, year, num_events, volunteers) %>% summarize( grand_total = sum(grand_total, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop" ) %>% arrange(year, desc(grand_total)) ``` --- ```r plastics_grand_summary ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 107 × 5 ## country year num_events volunteers grand_total ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Taiwan_ Republic of China … 2019 2 31318 241292 ## 2 NIGERIA 2019 14 1648 161140 ## 3 EMPTY 2019 145 1416 113910 ## 4 Philippines 2019 20 3751 74032 ## 5 Indonesia 2019 32 6850 26618 ## 6 ECUADOR 2019 1 455 25430 ## 7 Vietnam 2019 4 400 21774 ## 8 Kenya 2019 5 1560 18988 ## 9 Cameroon 2019 10 387 17190 ## 10 Switzerland 2019 6 327 15002 ## # ℹ 97 more rows ``` --- ```r plastics_year_summary <- plastics_grand_summary %>% group_by(year) %>% summarize( countries = n(), across(c(num_events, volunteers, grand_total), sum, na.rm = TRUE) ) %>% mutate(across(-(1:2), format, big.mark = ",")) ``` --- ```r plastics_year_summary ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 5 ## year countries num_events volunteers grand_total ## <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 2019 52 483 72,236 858,462 ## 2 2020 55 575 14,734 346,494 ``` --- ````markdown ```{epoxy data = plastics_year_summary} - **In {year}**, _Break Free From Plastic_ engaged {volunteers} volunteers in {countries} countries to conduct {num_events} brand audits. These volunteers collected {grand_total} pieces of plastic waste. ``` ```` --- .f3[ - **In 2019**, _Break Free From Plastic_ engaged 72,236 volunteers in 52 countries to conduct 483 brand audits. These volunteers collected 858,462 pieces of plastic waste. - **In 2020**, _Break Free From Plastic_ engaged 14,734 volunteers in 55 countries to conduct 575 brand audits. These volunteers collected 346,494 pieces of plastic waste. ] --- layout: false class: inverse middle # shinyComponents --- # R Markdown all the things 👉 [gadenbuie/shinyComponents][epoxy] --- layout: false class: inverse middle # Resources --- ## Links and Further Reading - [epoxy] - [shinyComponents] - [R Markdown Cookbook]( - [Wrap Vectors in Markdown Formatting • gluedown]( - [Yihui Xie - New developments in knitr and R Markdown v2 (2014)]( - [Yihui Xie - Interview by DataScience.LA at useR 2014][yihui-knitr-interview] [yihui-knitr-interview]: [epoxy]: [shinyComponents]: <script type="text/javascript"> document.querySelectorAll('code').forEach(function(el) { if (el.matches('.markdown')) { el.parentElement.classList.add('markdown') } }) </script>